Late Thursday, March 24, Keith Bell resigned from the TABC. Keith Bell was a controversial leader from day one but worked very hard to normalize an agency in trouble. Keith made existing rules apply to all, changed the rules that were outdated, and created an atmosphere for the Distillery Industry to grow. Granted, some rules were harsh but for the first time in a long time everyone understood what the rules were.
Wine in Grocery Stores, or WIGS, is going to be another matter. Although there are many processes in place, there are still important issues that need to be resolved. To make it through this bumpy process companies need to have someone they can depend on to get information as it happens and make sure the information they receive is correct.
Over our 20 years TopShelf has built important relationships. We have the ability to get answers from the right people, be a voice for our clients, fight for changes where needed, and keep our clients informed with pertinent information they need for WIGS operations today and in the future.
Companies licensing to sell wine have enough to understand without navigating all of the current and future changes that will be the TABC. As we navigate to July 1 and beyond getting good information is going to be critical and TopShelf will be your reliable source.